You might feel alone. You might not know anyone else who has a child with a hearing loss. Being able to connect with other parents who share this experience can be invaluable. This section of our site offers advice and comments from parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Information on Finding Support from Other Parents:
There are local, statewide, and national parent organizations to help parents. They are not available in every city and state, but because of internet access, parents all over the world are able to connect and offer support. The following sites are just a sampling of many available:
A Parent’s Perspective on Deaf Culture and Community
Soon after being told that our child is deaf, many of us are told that there is a "Deaf Culture," or "Deaf Community." The idea of our child becoming part of a culture or community that is foreign to us may seem frightening. Understanding what is meant by these terms can be very helpful. There is a rich culture that children may choose to be a part of. It is nothing to be feared.
Deaf and hard of hearing adults can be a wonderful source of information and education, as well as support in raising our children. Most are willing to share their knowledge and personal experiences with us, and welcome questions from parents who are striving to make the best decisions possible for their children. Below you will find links to web sites that will connect you to these individuals.
Information on Understanding Your Child's Hearing
The following links will help you locate information about your child's hearing loss and many of the terms associated with it.